
The WRS-1090 Compendium is the ideal shading device for the Cambo WRS series cameras.

This compendium can easily be rotated -while mounted- from landscape to portrait shading position and featurs a self supporting bellows that can be accomodated to the correct extension, offering enough shading without vignetting. Adjustable positioning and one-knob fixation of the front bellows allow for quick and easy lens changes.
Mounting the WRS-1090 Compendium to a WideRS with Accessory shoe on the top requires the WRS-1095 Hot Shoe Adapter.
Mounting the WRS-1090 Compendium to the WideRS Anniversary Edition requires the WRS-1096 Step-up Adapter.

The WRS-1090 will accept either the WRS-1060 iPhone Adapter, or WRS-1075 Accessory Shoe Holder, or WRS-1080 to be mounted on top of it.

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