
The WRS-1060 iPhone Holder fits with 2 knobs securely on the WideRS’ accessories.

The Cambo iPhone Holder is compatible with the iPhone 4/4s or 5/5s. To use the functionality as viewfinder and composing tool, the use of the Viewfinder (Pro or eFinder) app is required, see this link to Direstudio.com. This app can be downloaded from the App Store.
The WRS-1060 pivots easily from Landscape to Portrait position and back. The front accepts the Schneider iPro wide angle adapter lenses (not included), dedicated for the iPhone.

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This WRS-1090 is now available with a Filter Slot, accepting 4×4″ as well as 100x100mm filters, ranging from 1mm to 3.5mm thickness . This allows the user to easily insert a ND filter during live focussing or insert an opaque filter for creating a LCC correction with active shading, as an example of use.



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