[tabby title=”Technical Specifications”]
SKU :BW2914
Diameter: 200mm
Angle: No
Mount: “S”-Type Bayonet
Depth: 280mm
Weight: 2.5kg
Home/Bowens/Accessories/Special Effects
Fresnel 200
The Bowens Fresnel 200 produces that classic soft focus Hollywood-style of lighting only found with quality fresnel spots.
The distinctive, adjustable pool of light, similar to sunlight, is produced using a 200mm glass fresnel lens which creates a smooth and even beam of light with defined soft-shadow edges. The light produced by the Fresnel 200 is superb for portraits, creating beautiful skin tones and amazing detail.
A built-in iris allows precise control over the diameter of the beam from a broad beam to a tight spot.
Great for classic portraits and for precise control in commercial work, this versatile attachment simply attaches to any Bowens flash head with its S-Type fitting.
Introduce some classic Hollywood style to your studio.
Fresnel 200 Features:
✔ 200mm Glass Fresnel Lens.
✔ Ventilated Housing.
✔ Adjustable Aperture.
✔ S-Type Mount.
✔ Soft-Focus Sunlight Beam.
✔ Defined Soft Shadow Edges.
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