[tabby title=”Technical Specifications”]
SKU – BW3275
Height –
Width –
Depth –
Weight – 1.2kg
Home/Bowens/Accessories/Reflect & Bounce
Telescopic Reflector Disc Holder
he Bowens Telescopic Disc Holder is designed to hold collapsable reflector discs as well as foam boards and fabric.
This extendable mini boom adjusts from 91cm (36″) to 1.7m (67″).
The swivel stand mount will fit to any stand with a 5/8″ diameter top stud and allows discs to be used parallel or vertical to the stand.
The Disc Holder features a 5/8″ diameter spigot which allows the arm to mounted to a stand so the arm can be adjusted back through the mount to create a counterweight so that a lightweight portable flash can be mounted to the solid 3/8″ tip at the end of the arm effectively turning the arm into a small boom.
Two-section support arm extends for use with different size reflector discs.
Dimensions : Collapsed: 91cm (36″), Fully extended: 1.7m (67″)
Weight: 1.2kg (2.65 lbs)
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