[tabby title=”Technical Specification”]
Lamp head: 6000W / 12000W
Briese Downlight amazes and inspires cameramen and photographers likewise, because it is four times brighter than a conventional fresnell. His Spot-character makes it indispensable for those who want to emphasize very selectively or need exciting surfaces or selective reflections and gradients. Briese Downlight makes all that possible, even with a great distance from the light source to the object.
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Tail sed sausage magna quis commodo swine. Aliquip strip steak esse ex in ham hock fugiat in. Labore velit pork belly eiusmod ut shank doner capicola consectetur landjaeger fugiat excepteur short loin. Pork belly laboris mollit in leberkas qui. Pariatur swine aliqua pork chop venison veniam. Venison sed cow short loin bresaola shoulder cupidatat capicola drumstick dolore magna shankle.
Tail sed sausage magna quis commodo swine. Aliquip strip steak esse ex in ham hock fugiat in. Labore velit pork belly eiusmod ut shank doner capicola consectetur landjaeger fugiat excepteur short loin. Pork belly laboris mollit in leberkas qui. Pariatur swine aliqua pork chop venison veniam. Venison sed cow short loin bresaola shoulder cupidatat capicola drumstick dolore magna shankle.
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