The static, square SUN-SCRIMs

The SUN-SCRIMS are closed, square, 2-dimensional frames selected for larger, mainly static objects or installations. They can be equipped with diffusing as well as reflecting SCREENS. They have been used in the film industry for a long time. They are relatively new within professional photography. SUNBOUNCE adapted the construction for most application and made it mobile.

The SUN-SCRIM frames are available in four sizes: The names for the SUN-SCRIM sizes were adopted from the film industry and are specified in “feet”. One “foot” is 30.48 cm.

The SUN-SCRIMS are available in four sizes:
6‘x6‘ • 8‘x 8‘ • 12‘ x 12‘ • 20‘ x 20‘


[tabby title=”Technical Specifications”]
Total size: 8′ x 8′ / 244 x 244 cm
Screen: 7.2′ x 7.2′ / 219 x 219 cm
[tabby title=”Delivered With”]


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