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Width: 17″ / 500 cm
Home/Sunbounce/Bulk Materials
Bulk material Translucent – 3/3rd
Price per running meter
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Order minimum = 5 running meters
The SUN-BOUNCE screen – 3/3rd translucent:
This diffuser softens and reduces your light by approx. -3/3 f-stop (value measured directly behind the diffuser screen). The light/shadow contrast is optimally balanced, for example, you can now control runaway highlights, even in strongly-angled sun and the highest contrasts. You get an even base-light and can light from the shadows in portraits, for example, and achieve great image results. Or use a SUNBOUNCE reflector to create light accents, however desired. In any case, you can now have the lighting situation under control.
For example for people photos but equally for official photos, anytime you want or need to just soften or reduce your light source. Usable outdoors in daylight as well as in a studio with spotlights or flash, this diffusor can replace your light box (the material is so thick that no hotspots develop). Can also be used to mirror or to brighten softly or as background.
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