Briese Downlight amazes and inspires cameramen and photographers likewise, because it is four times brighter than a conventional fresnell. His spot-character makes it indispensable for those who want to emphasize very selectively or need exciting sur...
The e-focus is a new quantum leap in the Briese technology. Through remotely controllable electric motors cameramen are able to precisely conduct up to eight lights directly from the camera’s position. A dream for anyone who wants the most accu...
Egg crates are reflector attachments, with which the illuminated area is more limited. The light is more centered, what makes the shadows deeper and the sequences shorter.<br /> Fins are a good addition for Strip-Lights. This enables the strip charac...
Compared to the focus 96, the focus 100 creates a much softer light while still being more vigorous than the “Beauty reflector” focus 77. With the focus 100 you can sift out details, animate surfaces or accentuate wrinkles in weathered fa...
The 115 focus makes a very concrete light, comparable with that of the focus 96. However the focus 115 has an even greater range of lightings between “Spot” and “Flood”: hard, soft and everything thats in between. With the foc...
The focus 140 provides a similarly detailed and crisp light as the focus 115. It is a real Allrounder. Good for portraits, but also for group shots and whenever space is of no relevance. His Inventor H.W. Briese, says of this reflector: “If you...
The focus 180 makes the Briese-principle obvious. Fully focused it creates dramatic lighting with multiple screen differences between the centre and the edge of the picture. Almost like day and night. Perfect for strong accentuations. With just one s...
Fashion photographer and filmmaker also love this reflector. It brings the sun into the studio and makes other light sources unnecessary. Another advantage is that this large reflector allows different camera positions, as you can stand directly in f...
The focus 330 is able to do several things that many filmmakers won't believe until they see it themselves. With a normal power outlet ( 2500 watts generated bulb ) the focus 330, produces a quantity of light which would otherwise require 10 KW ...
Focus 77 is a key-light for ultra-smooth harmonic progressions. Due to its soft reflective reflector-coatings it covers up some errors in the make-up and smoothes out wrinkles, without appearing flat. That makes the focus 77 to one of the most popula...